Saturday, July 18, 2015

WWII Monument in Mogorić, Croatia

As we found out from her death certificate, Sophia Ilich, came from Mogorić, Croatia.  Her father was an Ilich (Илић) and her mother was a Djakovich (Ђаковић).

Mogorić is a town that is about a 15 minute drive from Kurjak.  In Mogorić, they have a town center with a few buildings that now appear to be abandoned but were once stores, a church, and a community building.  The town memorial for WWII is located in the town center, posted on the wall of one of the buildings:

Here the list of the people who died while fighting in WWII, grouped by families.  Our family names include Ilich (Илић) and Djakovich (Ђаковић), both of which are found in the 2nd column of this memorial. The memorial is dated July 27, 1962.

The top part of the memorial translates to say something like this:
"In the National Liberation War, 1941-1945, the fighters of this village laid their lives for the liberation of their homeland."

And the bottom part of the memorial translates to say something like this:
   "Still another 122 villagers fell as victims of fascist terror
    Eternal glory to the fallen heroes and victims!
                                            The people of Mogorich"

Finally, here is a list of the last names in Cyrillic and how they could be rendered in English (in case one is looking for an ancestor):
  • Бањеглав - Baneglav
  • Басарић - Basarich
  • Борић - Borich
  • Борковић - Borkovich
  • Вурдеља - Vurdel 
  • Вучковић - Vukovich
  • Заклан - Zaklan
  • Илић - Ilich 
  • Ђаковић - Djakovich, Dakovich 
  • Кораћ - Korach
  • Корица - Koritsa 
  • Лазић - Lazich
  • Маљковић - Malkovich
  • Милојевић - Miloyevich
  • Радаковић - Radakovich
  • Стоицављевић - Stoitsavlevich
  • Чанковић - Chankovich
  • Џодан - Jodan

Here is the other plaque on the same building:

This plaque translates into something like the following:

"During the national freedom struggle and revolution, the Proletarian Brigade originated in Lika and was formed in Mogorich.  

On its way through Yugoslavia during the struggle against the occupiers and domestic traitors, the Proletarian Brigade was the worthy representative of the military and revolutionary traditions of the Lika province and the founder of the brotherhood and unity of our people. 

In honor of the anniversary of their formation, this memorial plaque permanently marks the place where this Brigade was formed.

Mogorich, September 9, 1972."

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